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Also in Greece they had a lot of different chips bags with Frito-Lay's Episode I promotion. Below are some examples of these bags. There are no collectible cards/stickers/pogs or anything in the bags. Here are the different bag sizes I found on my trip to Greece in Summer '99:

Lay's:       45g  100g  180g
light green         x
dark green    x     x     x
red           x     x     x
winered             x
blue                x

green         x     x     x
brown               x
orange              x
yellow        x     x

Doritos:     44g   110g
orange        x     x
blue          x

Pristina     38g   105g
Fou Dou Nia  37g   100g
3D's                70g

(Jar Jar)
Dracoulina   35g 
Lotto        40g
Pacotinia    95g

Description: Wolfgang Schloegl
Photos: Wolfgang Schloegl
From the collection of Wolfgang Schloegl

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